Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Product Review!

Hi all! I've been meaning to write this last post since Sunday when I went shopping, but, well, it's Wednesday and I really don't have an excuse!

There are few things I love more than finding products that I love that taste great and pack a great nutritional punch. I went shopping at "The Wedge" (co-op) and "Trader Joe's" for the products shown above. Before I get into details about them, here's a key piece of advice about eating healthy and/or attempting to eat organic on a budget. If I hear about a product, I just wait until I can find it on sale. Unfortunately, I don't have a limitless supply of money falling in my hands, so I have to take that into account when I shop. If the product is something non-perishable, and a really good deal, stock up. I wouldn't have boughten half the things shown above if they weren't on sale.

So here's the breakdown:

Trader Joe's Light String Cheese-I am a pretty big fan of light string cheese since it contains the same amt. of protein as reg. string cheese, but less saturated fat.

Trader Joe's raw almond butter-Need I say more?

Trader Joe's Smokey Peach Salsa-This stuff is like crack to me! I can easily go through a jar in 2-3 days. Too bad it's not sodium free!

Fresh mozzarella balls- + tomatoes + balsamic vinegar. Heaven.

"Mary's Gone Crackers" crackers-Gluten free and made with quinoa, brown rice, flax, and sesame. These aren't the *best* crackers I've ever had, but they're a great accompany to cheese and I ate them with homemade salsa the other night. Bonus-they're organic and have a great ingredient list.

"Fat Flush Plan" tortillas-Stats: Organic, lower carb (18g/tortilla), and made with sprouted grains! I'll be honest, it took me a while to get used to the taste of these. But, sprouted grain is easier to digest and I can tell my body prefers this type of grain. The other day I made a "Morningstar Farms" spicy black bean burger on the "George Foreman" grill, and I also toasted the wrap on the grill. Delicious!

"Guitless Gourmet" spicy nacho tortilla chips-These were just okay. I have tried other G.G. products, and I have liked them better. Specifically the spicy black bean flavor. These had way too much sodium to produce such a weak flavor of nacho. They are not going to be "the new 'Doritos'."

And last but NOT AT ALL least-"So Delicious" ice cream sandwiches made with cocount milk-100% Dairy free and 100% fabulous. If you like cocount, that is. Which luckily, I do. These mini sandwiches are only 100 calories (and smaller than a traditional ice cream sandwich,) but they produce such a rich flavor it's worth it! Let's hear it for portition control! I am definitely buying these again! Because I'm sure they'll be gone soon.

Not pictured: Organic dinosaur kale, organic apples, organic cilantro, and tomatoes.

I will be sure to update with product reviews every once in a while. I don't mind "sacrificing myself" to try new products for the good of my blog.
Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!